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  1. That Brings Us To The Modern Age

    So that brings us to the modern age

    of today. The age in which I regret being led away from machine learning during the mathy time, and into much more basic forms of development.

  2. Eventually I Ran Out Of Money

    Eventually I ran out of money

    Or, to be quite honest, I ran out of credit.

    Or, to be clear, I ran out of money to make minimum payments, and without credit, I wouldn’t be able to acquire food.

  3. After The First 6 Months

    After the first 6 months or so, as I started to internalize some of the knowledge I was absorbing, I realized I started to lose some of the details.

  4. It Took Me A While

    It took me a while to get through Khan’s videos.

    If you know anything about Sal Kahn, you might say, “oh, he has this whole academy”, and you’re right. Mind you, I hadn’t found the website yet. Or maybe it didn’t exist.

  5. Several Years Ago

    Several years ago, I realized I had a serious insecurity about my math knowledge. I had been touting the idea that I didn’t need maths as a developer, although I only half believed it.